Sunday, December 20, 2015

Traits of next generation development professional: Who we are and where we are?

Amazing article that highlight qualities that next generation of development professional should possess. Out of the many information, I liked the approach of reverse mentoring,” which is effective at creating a dynamic exchange between the “old school and new school” to build respect to what each other brings to the table and ensure a diversity of voices and experiences are represented. In fact it is a two way process of collecting the ideas or ensuring the idea collection process inclusive of all which ultimately have impact in an intervention.

In usual mentoring process, senior staff supervises and support the work of juniors’ which in fact is very much required. But in reverse mentoring, senior staff supports the professional development of junior but also senior get new and innovative ideas from the new staff on topic such as social media, current trends and technology. But in our national context there is a gap in between two level of staff even though it’s not much visible (may be a topic for research??) , for example we have a culture of prefixing Sir or Madam while calling the senior. Similarly senior uses the term like Bhai(brother) and Bhaini(sister) to call. In fact using these terms in a practice is absolutely fine and of course it promotes the brotherhood in working environment. But sometime I really wonder, is this something among the many factors that act as the cultural barrier for reverse mentoring process in settings like ours? 

The article also highlights that in 10 years, the technology, skills and approaches used by development professionals will be significantly different than they are today. If one aims to dedicate the career in this field it’s also important to update with the new technology and inventions happening in passage of time.

Very importantly article mentioned that apart of technical competencies one has to also have the soft skills, that helps to properly frame the technical skills in humanitarian settings. Therefore, it’s not only technical but also an interpersonal trait that person needs to have to become a successful humanitarian professional.
Proud to be the part of humanitarian setting!

The content here mentioned is my personal feeling. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children: I Empower Women

I Empower Women

  •  31 million girls at primary level and 34 million at lower secondary level are not enrolled in school
  • In 2014, global military spending stood at $1.8 trillioni , while experts cite a $26 billion financing gap to achieve basic education for all by end of 2015.
  • Education is a public good, a fundamental human right upheld in int'l l & regional human rights conventions & treaties
  • Girls and young women’s education may be cut short by early or forced marriage

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Prolapsed Uterus Prevention and Physiotherapy Intervention: Statistically Correlated but to be Implemented in Nepal

“I can’t sit and walking is impossible, I feel like a part of my body is falling down. Feels like dying slowly.” These are the piteous lines I have been hearing from the female clients.  Sundari Khatri (name changed) is one of the hundreds of thousands of Nepalese women suffering from uterine prolapse. A mother of 4, holds her belly as she limps behind her mud house to get her sickle and slowly disappears in the wood. 

Uterine Prolapse: A HIDDEN TRUTH OF NEPALESE WOMEN. The uterus (womb) is a muscular structure that is held in place by pelvic muscles. If these ligaments and muscles stretch or become weak it can no longer hold the uterus causing prolapse. A 2007 study by the Center for Agro-Ecology and Development reported that in Nepal, women with uterine prolapse are considered impure and isolated. About 32% did not tell anyone about their condition, of which 66% cited embarrassment as the reason for their silence, while 10% believed it was normal for a woman’s uterus to prolapse. Women try to suppress their problem just for the fear that her husband will marry another  women  if he gets a hint. So, she tolerates the pain and engages herself in house hold chores from dawn to dusk, carrying dozens of wood, cattle fodder, water pots and never fails to carry her children to feed and serves In laws and husband  without a break. This is a concealed agony of Nepalese women.  Engulfed by shame and fear she keeps on tolerating  her pain. Most of the women in village gets married before  menstruation. Probably,  this must be the phase where she doesn’t even understand what marriage and commitment actually is.  Greed for sons has been deeply rooted in our society mainly for socioeconomic and religious reasons. Therefore, women are obliged   to conceive until they give sons to the family.High prevalence of  uterine prolapse in Nepal is a human right issue as a result of early pregnancy, strenuous house hold chores during pregnancy and even during postpartum period, unsupportive husbands, gender discrimination, lack of access to healthcare and education  are some of the strong reasons for prolapsed uterus.

Social stigmas which has been deeply rooted in our society must be cast off.  Government should make sure for the budget allocation for the treatment by not focusing only on  surgical intervention but also advocate on educating society regarding preventive program approach , reproductive rights as Human/women rights , incorporating uterine prolapse with reproductive health education  and accepting the outcome measures. Once the problem is eradicated or minimized women may no longer be the victims of such dreadful agony. Women and girls have right to live free from all sorts of discrimination and violence and to control their sexuality and make choices about reproduction. NGO n INGOs in partnership with local government agencies  should  facilitate free health camps and workshop , conduct street play, organize sports competition and interaction program with youths. Introducing  safe health and population studies in school curriculum not only helps prevent the issue but also facilitates girls to fight for their right and dignity.
 Physiotherapy plays a vital role to prevent prolapse worsening and reduced prolapsed uterus symptoms. It’s sad that  Government does not recruit enough physios in their district health system where maximum number of uterine prolapse cases have been deeply rooted. Systematic channelization of physios would definitely help prevent and manage the situation which has always been the challenging part in the context of Nepal. Physiotherapy not only prevents the prolapse but also helps prevent post surgical complications like urinary incontinence and vaginal vault prolapse.
PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which supports the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum.
You might benefit from doing Kegal exercise if you have:
1)      Leak a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing(stress incontinence)
2)      Have a strong, sudden urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine(urinary incontinence)
3)      Leak stool (fecal incontinence)
  Nepalese Women do lots of stressful household job which are simply unavoidable and this predisposes them for the pelvic organ prolapse. It’s very impractical to ask women  avoid such activities as they are linked with their bread and butter. Therefore, work pattern modification (ergonomy) , management of coexisting health condition like lung and abdominal diseases   and  awareness raising is very important. On top of that Physiotherapist who can really help to prevent as well as manage the prolapse should be the part of Nepalese health system.

Monday, October 19, 2015


Private sector can be referred as the citizen sector, which has a group or individual approach to employ most of the workforce in a country. An easier way to think of the private sector is by thinking of sectors that are not operated or owned by the government for example private hospitals, clinics, private schools, private transport, banking, department stores, restaurants, tourism industry. Private sectors can develop sustainable long-term relationships with local community by offering humanitarian aid and creating vocational training centers to train and place disabled worker in private firm. This creates a firm grip in the community by facilitating the company’s effort in doing business in the area. These flourishing sectors can highly contribute as a fundraiser in the field of disability and also provide an equal opportunity to a person with disability by supporting them as a source of bread winners of a family. Let’s not forget that a disabled person is someone who is differently able and can be  asset to a family if given an opportunity to reach out depending on his level of disability. Private sector should hold a strong grip from grass root level to act during humanitarian crisis. Here the grass root level signifies the local level- the local business that flourishes in the community this is often the first responder after a crisis. 

An enormous number of physiotherapists work in private hospitals, clinics. It’s quite affirmative that these PTs get maximal number of clients with disability. Healthy networking and link up with private firms can be beneficial to get a proper data of disable clients that have been undergoing treatment and their records on successful stories. This can be one of the best methods to reach many unreached and meet the many unmet needs of people with disability to make allowance for education, employment, provide them with transportation facilities, special discount in restaurants and other public places. People with speech and hearing, physical impairments are often dominated and are isolated  from our society. A provision should be passed to give job offers to such impaired people in non-government organizations such as restaurants and schools. Such provision will definitely help them to generate income, achieve respect in the community, increase confidence, make more friend and explore many more new abilities overall a life changing experience by employees with disabilities. It’s good to see how private sector are operating and ensuring how their operations are being widely benefited to emergency, preparedness and response at global , national and local level.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Role of Physiotherapist(PTs) in Humanitarian Crisis

Humanitarian crisis is defined as a series of events that are alarming in terms of natural disasters, epidemics, famine, conflicts, wars and exclusions. Life is uncertain to predict on crisis that may pound in one’s life leading to an unstable and hazardous situation affecting an individual, community and nation as a whole. Humanitarian crisis are often interconnected and complex and several national and international agencies play vital role to overcome the events by adding hopes, smiles, positivity to the survivors.

PTs play a major role in the rehabilitation of survivors who are left with physical injuries such as amputation, spinal cord injury, head injury, fractures and other forms of disablement. Treating disaster survivor would always be challenging task to PTs as one should take a note of their emotional outburst and psychological stress with lots of patience. PTs should be channelized from preparedness to response and relief after disaster as a fundamental part of a team. In preparedness phase community as a whole should be able to respond when catastrophe occur by collaborating with community partners to plan training, exercising, equipping. During response phase depending upon the worst hit areas PTs should be mobilized. Quick assessment to manage huge case load should be kept in account. Prescribing exercise, chest physio, safe transfer, early bed mobilization, assessment for mobility aids and prosthesis and orthosis are major responsibilities of PTs. During post disaster phase PTs should encourage patients for regular follow-up to prevent further complications.

Therefore PT and rehab professionals have major part to act in humanitarian crisis to prevent long term disability and enhancing standards of living.