Sunday, December 20, 2015

Traits of next generation development professional: Who we are and where we are?

Amazing article that highlight qualities that next generation of development professional should possess. Out of the many information, I liked the approach of reverse mentoring,” which is effective at creating a dynamic exchange between the “old school and new school” to build respect to what each other brings to the table and ensure a diversity of voices and experiences are represented. In fact it is a two way process of collecting the ideas or ensuring the idea collection process inclusive of all which ultimately have impact in an intervention.

In usual mentoring process, senior staff supervises and support the work of juniors’ which in fact is very much required. But in reverse mentoring, senior staff supports the professional development of junior but also senior get new and innovative ideas from the new staff on topic such as social media, current trends and technology. But in our national context there is a gap in between two level of staff even though it’s not much visible (may be a topic for research??) , for example we have a culture of prefixing Sir or Madam while calling the senior. Similarly senior uses the term like Bhai(brother) and Bhaini(sister) to call. In fact using these terms in a practice is absolutely fine and of course it promotes the brotherhood in working environment. But sometime I really wonder, is this something among the many factors that act as the cultural barrier for reverse mentoring process in settings like ours? 

The article also highlights that in 10 years, the technology, skills and approaches used by development professionals will be significantly different than they are today. If one aims to dedicate the career in this field it’s also important to update with the new technology and inventions happening in passage of time.

Very importantly article mentioned that apart of technical competencies one has to also have the soft skills, that helps to properly frame the technical skills in humanitarian settings. Therefore, it’s not only technical but also an interpersonal trait that person needs to have to become a successful humanitarian professional.
Proud to be the part of humanitarian setting!

The content here mentioned is my personal feeling. 

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